18 x 24 inch poster of kids doing yoga postures with mascots. Teach Yoga to our children while using this beautiful children's yoga poster as inspiration. The poster illustrates children doing the gate pose, the lotus pose, the wheel pose, down dog, bow pose, cobra pose, forward stretch, the tree pose, and child's pose. Change the world one child at a time!
Art and design by Aaron Staengl (Ananta)
Ayurvedaposters © has created the largest and most complete line of Ayurvedic educational products including: ayurveda charts, ayurvedic power point presentations, ayurveda study guides, Ayurvedaposters, ayurveda cards, chakra posters, jyotisha posters, and yoga posters. Ayurveda posters can be used for teaching classes, decorating walls in clinics and offices or for any other purpose. Ayurvedaposters strives to give a complete visual representation to the ancient science of self healing known as Ayurveda.